In Spain, just like in most developed countries, a woman is offered an ever-increasing variety of tests. These tests and scans available throughout your pregnancy vary from early ultrasounds to blood tests for gestational diabetes. Each serves a specific purpose, whether it's confirming your due date, screening for potential chromosomal conditions, or monitoring your baby's growth and development.
During pregnancy, you will be making lots of decisions, many concerning tests and scans. These are tools designed to provide information and support, not to cause unnecessary stress or anxiety.
Even in a healthy pregnancy, it is considered normal to have lots of check-ups. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, and although offered to everyone, not all tests and scans are valid or useful for everyone. So be critical and ask yourself if you really feel all the tests are fitting for you and your partner, your situation and your life values. Also, I speak of them being offered to you, but sometimes it can feel like you have no choice in the matter. That is a misunderstanding. You can always say no and/or ask for more information.