1:1 Birth Plan meeting

For when things don´t go according to plan

Getting insecure because you don´t know where to start creating your positive birth experience?

During birth, everything might not go exactly as envisioned. That's why having a birth plan matters - it helps you explore your options and preferences thoughtfully, when you're calm and clear-headed, rather than making decisions in the moment.


Are you clear about what you want during your birth? Have your partner and you discussed your preferences together? Do you understand the choices available to you during and after birth? Are you familiar with your birthing rights? Do you feel confident discussing these with your healthcare provider?


A bit lost in all this?!! Want to plan for a positive birth experience?

This is where the 1:1 birth plan meeting comes in!


Join me for a personalized online session where both you and your birth partner will explore all available options and create a birth plan that truly reflects your wishes. Together, we'll turn uncertainty into confidence.

What will you take away from this Birth Plan Meeting?

By the end of our session, you'll be equipped with all the essential tools and knowledge needed to craft a personalized birth plan. Let's work together to ensure your birth plan reflects your unique wishes and priorities.

This is what is included

  • 1:1 Birth Plan Expert Guidance of 1,5 hour via GoToMeeting
  • More information on topics important to you, so you can make your own informed decisions
  • Guidance on how and where to do your own research on the topics you want to dive into deeper
  • Birth Plan Tips Guide 
  • Birth Preference Template
  • Sample letter to the hospital/healthcare provider, in both English and Spanish 
  • A list of ALL the choices you have during pregnancy, birth and after birth, unbiased. In both English and Spanish

Investment Birth Plan Meeting

The investment for this meeting is time to make a video call of around 1,5 hours and €80,-

What you will get is unbiased advice on the choices you you have for pregnancy, birth and shortly after birth, so you make the choices that fit best for your family. 

1:1 Birth Plan Meeting Form

Could you please take a moment to fill in the form below to the best of your ability? Once received, I'll promptly reach out to schedule a personalized 1:1 Birth Plan meeting via GoTo Meeting.

Your data will be treated confidentially. Read the privacy statement here