5 Ways to Overcome Language Barriers During Birth in Spain

Published on 20 October 2024 at 09:00

As an expat preparing to give birth in Spain, one of the most daunting challenges you might face is the language barrier. Communication is crucial during pregnancy and childbirth, and not being fluent in Spanish can add an extra layer of stress to an already intense experience. But don't worry! With the right preparation and tools, you can overcome these language barriers and have a positive, empowering birth experience. Here are five effective ways to bridge the communication gap:

picture of doctor and pregnant lady talking blog about language barriers during birth in spain

1. Learn Key Pregnancy & Birth Terms and Phrases 

While becoming fluent in Spanish before your due date might not be realistic, learning some key medical terms and phrases can go a long way. Focus on words and expressions related to pregnancy, labor, and birth. Here's a starter list:

Pregnancy - Embarazo

Pregnant - Embarazada

Expecting - En espera

Due date - Fecha de parto

First trimester - Primer trimestreSecond trimester - Segundo trimestreThird trimester - Tercer trimestre  

Morning sickness - Náuseas matutinas

Cravings - Antojos

Tiredness- Cansancio

Obstetrician - Obstetra

Gynaecologist - Ginecólogo

Midwife - Matrona

Prenatal care - Cuidado prenatal

Check-up - Revisión médica

Birth - Nacimiento

Delivery room - Sala de parto

Water breaking - Ruptura de aguas

Give birth – Dar a luz or parir

Contractions - Contracciones

Breathe – Respirar

Push - Empujar

Water birth - Parto en agua

Home birth – Part en casa

Skin-to-skin contact - Contacto piel con piel

Key Birth Terms In Spanish Pdf
PDF – 193,3 KB 0 downloads

2. Prepare a Bilingual Birth Plan

A birth plan is an essential tool for communicating your preferences to your healthcare team. Creating a bilingual birth plan ensures that your wishes are clearly understood, regardless of who is on duty during your labor.

When crafting your birth plan:

  • Use a comprehensive list of birth choices in both English and Spanish. (If you're taking a hypnobirthing course or birth plan session with me, you'll receive a numbered list of all possible choices in both languages, making it easy to find the Spanish equivalent.)
  • Utilize a template for a birth preference letter in English and Spanish. (Again, this is provided in my courses and sessions.)
  • Write in simple, clear language to avoid confusion or use pictures.

Also make sure you partner knows what your wishes are and is on the same page. Review it with a Spanish-speaking friend to ensure clarity.

Writing a birth plan will help you and your partner figure out what is most important to you during pregnancy and birth. By ensuring you understand all the available choices and their potential consequences, you'll be better able to advocate for yourselves during the birthing process. Even if communication occurs in Spanish, having a clear understanding of what's happening and what the healthcare staff is suggesting will make it easier to communicate effectively.


At the same time bear in mind that even though a birth plan is a great communication tool, it's also important to remain flexible, as circumstances may change during labor. 

Want to get started straight away? Get the immediate download of the Birth Plan Tips

Click this link to get your freebies to help you craft your birth plan and template with the e-book on how to write your birth plan and free template for either hospital birth or home birth.  

3. Utilize Translation Services and Technology

Spain offers several options for overcoming language barriers in healthcare settings:

  • Medical Interpreter Service: Many hospitals provide this service. However, as births often occur at night, it's crucial to discuss your birth plan with a doctor and translator during office hours.
  • Telephone Translation Service: In Andalusia, a 24-hour confidential translation phone service is available. To request this, say: "Por favor, necesito usar el servicio de tele-traducción."
  • Translation Apps: While not suitable for critical medical information, apps like Google Translate or Deepl can be helpful for general communication.

Always prioritize official translation services for important medical discussions. If you're considering having a doula present for translation, check with your hospital beforehand as policies vary.

4. Familiarize Yourself with Birth Choices

One of the best ways to overcome language barriers is to be well-informed about the choices you may face during pregnancy and birth. When you're familiar with potential scenarios and decisions, it's easier to understand what healthcare providers are discussing, even if you don't catch every word.

  • Study the list of birth choices provided in hypnobirthing courses or birth planning sessions.
  • Research common interventions and procedures in Spanish hospitals.
  • Discuss your preferences with your partner or support person so they can advocate for you if needed.

By having a clear idea of what you want and don't want, you'll be better equipped to advocate for yourself and understand the context of discussions, even with limited Spanish.

Birth preferences in pictures as visual aid

5. Use Visual Aids and Non-Verbal Communication

Sometimes, words (in any language) aren't enough to express what you're feeling or needing during labor. Preparing visual aids and practicing non-verbal communication can be incredibly helpful.

Other things you can consider creating:

  • A comfort scale chart with numbers that you can point to.
  • Cards with images of different positions you'd like to try during labor.

Also, practice non-verbal cues with your partner or support person. For example, agree on hand signals for ¨a wave is coming,¨ "I need water," "I want to change positions," or "I need a moment of quiet." In this way your partner also knows what you need without you having to talk, since this can sometimes simply take too much effort.


Giving birth in a foreign country can seem overwhelming, but with preparation and the right tools, you can overcome language barriers and have a positive birth experience in Spain.

By learning key phrases, creating a bilingual birth plan, utilizing translation services, familiarizing yourself with birth choices, and preparing visual aids, you'll be well-equipped to communicate your needs and preferences throughout your pregnancy and birth experience.

Most importantly, try to stay calm and confident. Your body knows how to birth, regardless of the language you speak. Trust in yourself, your preparation, and your support team. With these strategies in place, you'll be ready to welcome your little one into the world, no matter what language is spoken around you. ¡Buena suerte y felicidades! (Good luck and congratulations!)


Ready to take the next step in preparing for your birth journey in Spain? Book a free 1:1 introductory meeting with me to explore which of our services best fits your needs. Whether you're interested in a personalized birth plan meeting, our comprehensive group hypnobirthing course, or a private hypnobirthing course, we'll work together to ensure you feel confident and prepared for your Spanish birth adventure.


Take your pick and start your journey to a positive, empowered birth experience today!

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