HypnoBirthing Group Course

Your journey to a positive and empowered birth!


✔️ You master the Spanish maternity system, choose your best care provider, and create the ideal birth environment for your wishes.

✔️ You vividly envision your birth and clearly communicate your preferences to your healthcare provider

✔️ You are confident thanks to the knowledge and tools provided, ensuring a beautiful birth experience and you enjoy the rest of

       your pregnancy knowing you will rock this!

✔️ Your worries & concerns are eased, you handle pain effectively, and you lower the chances of interventions - you will experience childbirth      

       with confidence!

✔️ You take charge of your birth - ask the right questions, ensure your voice is heard and you know your options and rights in pregnancy,

      childbirth and postpartum. You are making informed choices that align with your preferences.

Are you aware of any contraindications for hypnosis, such as, but not limited to; epilepsy, psychosis, depression, serious/current heart condicion, any other medical condition that could count as contraindicated

I hereby state that I am enrolling in the HypnoBirthing® class of my own free will and with the understanding that this is a program designed to teach me to use my own natural abilities to bring my mind and my body into a state of relaxation. I further understand that the content of these classes is in no way intended to be represented as medical advice nor as a prescription for medical procedure. I am aware that I should seek the advice of a health-care provider to answer any health-related or pregnancy-related issues surrounding my pregnancy, my labor, or my birth.

I therefore agree that I will in no way hold the instructor of the HypnoBirthing® classes, or the HypnoBirthing Institute®, its owner, or its representatives responsible for any special circumstances that could arise as a result of my pregnancy, my labor, or the birth of my child; and I agree that neither I nor any member of my family will make any claim or initiate any suit against any of the above-named parties now or at any time in the future.

Subject: Photos and or videos taken during the course or meeting

The right to self-image is recognized in Article 18 of the Spanish Constitution and regulated by Law 1/1982, of 5 May, regarding people’s right to honor, personal and family privacy and their own image (Derecho al Honor, a la Intimidad Personal y Familiar y a la Propia Imagen), as well as Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection.

Your data will be treated confidentially. Read the privacy statement here