Antenatal HypnoBirthing® Classes in Malaga - Spain

Designed for parents who desire an amazing birthing experience!

I educate pregnant women and their partner residing in Spain, who desire a beautiful & natural birth, but are afraid they won't succeed because of their lack of knowledge of the Spanish maternity system and insecurity on how natural birth actually works. I help them realize the birth as they wish for themselves and their baby, so that they can look back on an amazing birth experience that stays with them a lifetime!

E-book Bonding with your baby - in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy 

In this ebook you will discover how simple daily rituals can deepen your bond with your baby during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and beyond.

In this e-book, I provide you with 3 golden tips to connect with your baby without having to spend too much time and effort.

Empowering expectant parents with Antenatal HypnoBirthing® Classes

for a positive childbirth experience in Malaga, Spain

Together with your partner you live in Spain and enjoy the Spanish lifestyle to the max. Going out for dinner, yoga on the beach, always a nice sunny place to discover at the weekends. Life is good! Thanks to your work and that of your partner you can live in sunny Spain and you love it! On top of that you choose to expand your little family of two and are now expecting new life! Being pregnant is amazing and frightening at the same time, because how does this all work and especially here in Spain?!

How HypnoBirthing Helped Me

I went from not knowing what to expect from birth and having awful images in my head about what birth was supposed to be, to feeling confident and empowered; trusting my body's ability to birth. I have had three amazing births. My first was born in The Netherlands, the second in Malaga, Spain, and my third little one also born here in Malaga Province.

In my practice, I share from my experience as a HypnoBirthing mom as well as from the perspective of a HypnoBirthing practitioner. This makes my course rounded and rich. While theory is valuable, practical experience enables me to share the information with greater depth and understanding.

Keen to learn more about me? Or perhaps you're curious to see if we have a connection? Don't hesitate to reach out and discover for yourself!

Do you recognize yourself in this;

You have no clue what is normal or desirable during pregnancy and birth, let alone here in Spain where you don´t fully speak the language and you don´t know how the maternity system works or what is allowed in pregnancy and birth! You are afraid you miss importnat information.

First prenatal visit in Spain, difficulties speaking to your doctor as a foreigner

Your appointment with your healthcare provider is today. Your heart sinks to your boots. You find it hard to talk to your healthcare provider. The health care is so different here than at home. You don't feel your questions are being answered or that you are really listened to. You are worried; ¨How do I make clear what I want? And how do I make sure I am taken seriously?¨

Ever since you became pregnant, horror birth stories have been flying around your ears. As if suddenly is written on your forehead; dump your birth trauma here. You are sure you want birth to be different. ¨It must be possible to have a positive birth experience, right?!?¨ You think to yourself, ¨But how? Where to start?¨ You have no idea and that makes you feel insecure.

Hanging up on your friend, panic breaks out! She said very sweetly that she thinks it's so brave of you to go for a natural birth without pain relieve. During the conversation, you still felt very determined about it, but now doubts strike! Your thoughts start racing; ¨Help, I actually have no idea how natural birth works! What can I expect?¨ Surrounded by questions you start to feel insecure and start doubting if this is something you really want or can do...

After a long day, you finally lie in bed, happy to rest your feet for a while. Now that you have time to unwind, the staring contest with your ceiling begins and your thoughts start haunting you... ¨Can I handle this? What if I can't relax at all? What if my pain becomes too much for me? What if I go over time? Are there natural ways to induce birth? What if something goes wrong?¨ You have so many questions about birth, you feel anxious and overwhelmed. And then you're 2 hours on and still staring at your ceiling, while you so desperately need your sleep right now. Off to the toilet again.…

The worst thing that could happen?

You don't know what your choices and options are and so your doctor decides for you what is best, stripping away your control over your pregnancy. It makes you feel like your pregnancy is being taken over, and things are happening to you rather than with you. If this trend continues, the entire birthing process will be taken out of your hands too, leaving you feeling helpless and powerless. You might even end up with the very thing you don’t wish for: difficulties attaching to your baby or your baby to you due to a challenging childbirth, challenges with the start of breastfeeding due to sedation, difficult and long healing process due to a cesarean, birth trauma, postnatal depression or a lifelong feeling of guilt and regret. The dream of a positive start and beautiful birthing experience for both you and your baby slips away. Remember, you don’t get a trial run, no do-over for the childbirth of this child.

The Antenatal HypnoBirthing Course will provide you with everything you need to feel prepared for birth, including how to navigate the Spanish maternity system, cope with pain, and achieve the positive birthing experience you desire.

Moms-to-be about the Antenatal HypnoBirthing Course in Malaga and Costa del Sol

Want to read the full reviews and more? Check out the full review page.

Ready for a personalised introduction?

Would you like to discover for yourself how my expertise and experience can support and guide you during your pregnancy and birth? Then schedule your appointment today!

Want to know more about the Pregnancy Course or your Childbirth Educator?

For a little impression of the group course have a look at this page that includes a short video or if you want to know a bit more about me have a look at this page where you can read my story or have a look at the video at the end of the page where present myself.

These freebies will help you prepare for your birth yourself. Birth is something you can plan for, just don't expect it to play out the way you planned it ;) Then why should you plan? Well... thinking of what you want for yourself and your baby in pregnancy and birth helps you prepare for a better outcome. You and your birth partner will be better able to advocate for yourselves and your baby. 

HypnoBirthing Blog: Posts on pregnancy, birth and postpartum

Want to know more about HypnoBirthing or your HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator?

Looking for more information on the course, me and what the HypnoBirthing Course will bring you? Book a free 1:1 meeting to find out!